LUNAR NOTES, Mar/10 - 25, 2024

aWhere I live in California, ducks and geese have been flying overhead in pairs as spring approaches. We are starting to see the annual influx of parrots, too.

A lot is going on over the next two weeks. As the Moon increases from Dark to Full, we will enter spring and eclipse season. I gathered some notes using the Hellenistic whole-sign / whole-house approach with traditional planets and rulerships.  


3/10 Dark Moon in Pisces: A Time for Retreat and Renewal

It’s a Super Moon (Super Dark Moon), only 221,767 miles away.

The Dark Moon in Pisces signifies a potent retreat, introspection, and personal restoration period. Pisces, ruled by the beneficent Jupiter and associated with emotions, intuition, and the unconscious, invites us to delve inward and seek solace.

Focus on Healing:

This lunation is well-suited for activities that promote emotional and spiritual healing. Engaging in:

  • Meditation or prayer

  • Spending time in nature

  • Creative introspection (art, journaling)

  • Connecting with your inner child

: can foster inner peace, release emotional burdens, and allow for the rejuvenation of the spirit.

Pisces and the Unconscious:

Pisces is also linked to the unconscious mind. Pay attention to your dreams and intuition during this time, as they may offer valuable insights or guidance for healing past wounds and integrating subconscious desires.

Daylight Savings

In the spring, participating states turn clocks forward one hour on the second Sunday of March, causing us to spring forward and lose an hour of sleep. By prioritizing self-care and inner exploration, you can emerge from this period feeling renewed and ready to face the world with peace and clarity.

Jupiter sextile Saturn 


  • Balancing enthusiasm and discipline towards steady progress.

  • Building solid foundations for success with patience and hard work.

  • Finding wisdom through experience and maintaining integrity.

  • Enjoying solitude and thriving in structured environments.


  • Feeling stagnant or facing delays due to bureaucracy.

  • Experiencing financial anxieties or legal complexities.

  • Missing opportunities due to indecision or lack of confidence.

  • Facing the potential "dark side" of success, like burdens of fame.

3/12 Waxing Crescent

3/15 First Quarter

3/17 Auspicious Election: Around 12:58 PM

Chris Brennan and Leisa Schaim selected an auspicious March election time to start new ventures. This was a reluctant election because astrology in March and April is arduous.   

While there are potential challenges related to clarity and shared resources, the positive aspects of the chart point towards an intense emotional state, creativity, supportive relationships, and opportunities for personal growth. The key is to be mindful of potential misunderstandings and carefully navigate financial matters. 

If you are interested, pull up the chart and see if it looks like something you can work with. Chris Brennan offers elections like this throughout the whole year on his website.

3/19 Vernal Equinox. Waxing Gibbous. Moon is in Leo

The March equinox marks a seasonal shift known as the vernal equinox (spring equinox) in the Northern Hemisphere. It marks the beginning of spring, a period of renewal, growth, and initiation. 

Vernal Equinox + Waxing Gibbous Moon in Leo suggests:

  • Increased energy and motivation for new beginnings and self-expression.

  • Amplifies the confidence and drive associated with the Vernal Equinox, potentially leading to action-oriented pursuits and a desire to make a mark.

A Venus-Saturn conjunction brings a mixed bag of influences.

Positively, it can foster stability, loyalty, and artistic expression in love and beauty. It creates an appreciation for tradition, discipline, and social graces. Venus is exalted in Pisces, giving it a particularly strong and harmonious presence.

However, it can also lead to challenges like relationship difficulty, emotional distance, and social awkwardness. It can bring delays, burdens, and limitations in love, art, and social interactions. 

Additionally, you may start to notice the influence of the approaching eclipse only a week away.   

3/24 Full Moon

The first full moon of spring, the Worm Moon, also a Super Moon, will grace the night sky on Sunday, March 24th, reaching peak illumination at 3:00 AM ET on Monday, March 25th, 2024. This name, "Worm Moon," refers to the emergence of beetle larvae from their winter slumber as the ground thaws. Recently, it has been associated with earthworms emerging from the thawing soil.  

However, the Worm Moon isn't the only name this full moon goes by. It's also called the Crow Moon due to the returning crows, the Snow Crust Moon for the frozen snow surface, the Sap Moon or Sugar Moon as maple sap begins to flow, and even the Wind Moon and Plough Moon by the Celts, reflecting preparations for the coming growing season.

3/25 Lunar South Node Eclipse at 5°07 Libra, March 25th, 2024, 12:00 AM PT

In Hellenistic astrology, eclipses were considered powerful celestial events, signifying major turning points and fated developments. A Lunar eclipse was associated with culminations and endings, often marking unexpected yet significant closures and new beginnings. It could trigger impactful shifts in these areas as the Moon is traditionally linked to emotions, the public sphere, and domestic matters.


Libra in Hellenistic astrology is associated with partnership, diplomacy, justice, and aesthetic themes. Therefore, the eclipse's placement in Libra could point toward potential endings or significant changes in relationships, legal matters, or artistic endeavors.

South Node and its Influence:

The South Node, known as the "Dragon's Tail," signifies past experiences, familiar patterns, and karmic tendencies. With the eclipse occurring near the South Node, the focus is likely on releasing and letting go of outdated or imbalanced dynamics within the Libran themes mentioned earlier. This could involve releasing the need for constant external validation in partnerships, overcoming codependency, or letting go of superficial attachments to achieve inner balance.

Unexpected Endings and New Beginnings:

While the eclipse signifies endings and closures associated with the South Node, it's crucial to remember the inherent duality of eclipses. As the Moon sheds light, revealing the shadow, the eclipse can also open doors to new beginnings and fresh perspectives within the Libran domains. The key lies in actively acknowledging and releasing unhealthy patterns and attachments associated with past experiences to pave the way for more balanced and fulfilling relationships, artistic pursuits, or a greater sense of inner harmony.

The Sun's exalted energy in Aries can amplify the assertive and action-oriented nature of the eclipse. It encourages taking the initiative to address emotional issues and potentially making significant life changes.

However, the eclipse's influence can complicate matters. The desire for immediate action (Sun in Aries) might clash with the need for reflection and emotional processing (lunar eclipse).

Ethan Nicoll

Tarot reader in Fullerton, California