LUNAR NOTES, 4/9-23, 2024

Just returned from a fantastic week cruising the California coast! Lelia and I started by exploring San Francisco, riding the trolly, soaking up Chinatown's vibrant energy and Golden Gate Park's beauty. Then we visited with the fine folks at the Lucky Mojo Curio Co. and had a tasting at Purple Pachyderm. To top it all off, we scored an impromptu tour of the legendary Record Plant Studio in Sausalito! It was an unforgettable trip. Now I'm back home, typing under the active eclipse and looking forward to the next two weeks.     

Recapping a note on April 8th’s solar eclipse: We acknowledge this energetic clash and stay focused on your goals. If things feel rushed, tap into Libra's natural talent for weighing options and finding balance. This will help you harness the eclipse's drive without succumbing to impulsiveness.

The Moon waxes toward full over the next two weeks while Mercury remains in retrograde motion.

April 9:

Aries starts off packed with Mercury, Sun, Moon, and Venus. 

Jupiter is conjunct Uranus in Taurus throughout the period. It is an extended transit that only happens every 14 years or so. Expect a surge of innovation and a push to break free from limitations, especially regarding finances or possessions. 

On April 10th, Mars and Saturn clash in Pisces. Mars's action meets Saturn's restrictions in Pisces's emotional realm. This could lead to feeling stuck or impulsive, but it also offers a chance for focused action and overcoming limitations. Again, patience is vital.

On April 11th, Mercury aligns closely with the Sun, a phenomenon astrologers call "cazimi." Imagine Mercury nestled in the Sun's warmth, receiving a powerful boost. This alignment empowers Mercury's communication and thinking, but since it's retrograde, it will likely be more about revisiting and refining ideas.

April 19th: Sun moves into Taurus

From the 17th to the 23rd, there are a series of overlapping transits:

Mercury conjunct Venus: Retrograde Mercury and Venus in detriment makes me think of the need to reconsider designs. Aesthetics and things that are meant to attract may require a tune-up. I’m not saying it’s the best time to make the changes; perhaps that should come later in the month, but the flaws or opportunities for improvement might be evident now.  

Mars sextiles Jupiter and Uranus, activating possibilities within the conjunction mentioned earlier. 

The Sun squares Pluto, creating tension regarding transformation in identity and the fight for what's right.

April 23rd: The Full Moon in Scorpio is associated with profound truths and the potential for personal growth.


This is just a glimpse into the astrological landscape. Your personal experience will be unique and influenced by your individual birth chart. 

I use a tropical whole-sign / whole-house system with traditional rulerships. You can read more about how I interpret the moon phases here:

Ethan Nicoll

Tarot reader in Fullerton, California