Lunar Notes, 5/7-23, 2024

"New Normal" is a cliché that masks the uncomfortable reality that progress can be messy. The Jupiter-Uranus conjunction's separation influence leaves us with a scattered trail of started ventures. I naively called these "good problems to have two weeks ago." Optimism is cute, isn't it?  

Image from Archetypal Explorer

May 7: Dark Moon in Taurus: A dark moon is when the moon is completely invisible in the night sky. This happens because the sun and moon are aligned on the same side of the Earth, casting the moon's shadowed side towards us. Taurus is about stability and indulgence. This window favors meditations on a secure foundation in your life, whether financially, relationally, or simply through self-care. Embrace the opportunity to focus on what brings you pleasure and a sense of abundance. It is a time to nestle into the Earth element and heal. 

The Sextiles: A powerful Taurus stellium gathers Venus, Moon, Sun, Uranus, and Jupiter. This sextiles Neptune and Saturn by whole sign (*exact dates of each below). The vibe? A rich exchange of opportunities between Earth's practicality and Water's intuition. Venusian pleasures feel especially natural, yet possibly a bit mysterious or hidden because Venus is under the beams of the Sun. We're now working with the possibilities opened by Uranus and Jupiter's recent expansive shake-up. Watch as Venus gains on the Sun over the next few weeks.

May 7: *Sun Sextile Saturn

May 13: Sun Conjunct Uranus: This alignment in Taurus, a sign known for its love of stability, calls for a reorientation. It can ignite a desire for innovation and a challenge to traditional ways. Anticipate surprises and changes that will push you to grow and explore new experiences, particularly in relation to your possessions and what brings you pleasure. While these disruptions may be unsettling, they can also pave the way for positive transformations. Remember, you have the power to navigate these changes and use them to your advantage.

May 13: *Venus Sextile Saturn

May 15: Mercury ingresses into Taurus, cooling off communication and stabilizing our thoughts.

May 17: Mercury Square Pluto: Mercury in Taurus craves stable communication and clings to familiar ideas. Pluto in Aquarius, however, pushes for radical change and hidden truths to be revealed. This clash can create stubborn resistance to new information or perspectives. You might find yourself questioning long-held beliefs, leading to intense conversations and potentially even power struggles. Embrace open-mindedness and be willing to explore new ways of thinking for a chance to break through these mental roadblocks.

May 18: Venus Conjunct Uranus: Venus, representing love and pleasure, joins forces with Uranus, the planet of rebellion, in stable Taurus. This unexpected combo shakes things up in your love life and how you experience joy. You might crave excitement and unconventional forms of love, breaking free from traditional expectations. Get ready for sudden changes or surprises in your relationships. While these disruptions can be unsettling, they offer an opportunity to break free from routines and discover a more authentic way to connect and enjoy life.

May 19: *Sun Sextile Neptune

May 19: Sun Conjunct Jupiter in Taurus: Good things are brewing when the Sun meets Jupiter in Taurus. This astrological alignment brings optimism and growth, especially for Taurus-related areas like security and enjoyment. You'll feel a natural confidence boost and a stronger desire to build a fulfilling life. This positive energy can attract opportunities and help you manifest your goals. Focus on stability and pleasure, and watch your dreams take root.

May 22: Sun Trine Pluto: Sun in Taurus trine Pluto in Aquarius is a harmonious aspect fostering positive change. Your Taurean desire for stability and security combines with Pluto's transformative power in a supportive way. You'll find the willpower and determination to achieve lasting change, gradually transforming your goals into reality. Expect deep personal growth and a newfound sense of empowerment as you build a secure and fulfilling future. 

May 23: Venus Conjunct Jupiter. Love and abundance bloom with Venus conjunct Jupiter in Taurus. This fortunate alignment enhances your appreciation for beauty, pleasure, and connection. Romantically, you might attract love or experience greater joy in existing relationships. Financially, things could feel more secure, or you might find new ways to indulge in life's finer things. It's a time to embrace gratitude and share your good fortune with others.

May 23: *Venus Sextile Neptune

May 23: *Jupiter Sextile Neptune

May 23: Full Moon in Sagittarius:

A full moon in Sagittarius is a potent mix of fiery energy and deep emotions.


  • Fire: Passionate, energetic, driven.

  • Mutable: Adaptable, flexible, open to change.

  • Yang of Jupiter: Optimistic, expansive, seeking knowledge.


  • Archery: Setting goals and taking action towards them with precision.

  • Centaur: Bridging the gap between the physical and intellectual.

  • Uniting Opposites: Finding practical ways to achieve a worthy objective.

  • Meaningful Goal: The focus is on achieving something significant, not just any target.


  • Yin: Receptive, intuitive, nurturing.

  • Body & Needs: Connecting with your primal desires and instincts.

  • Foundation: The emotional core that shapes your actions.

Full Moon Energy:

  • Culmination: Your intentions and actions come to a head.

  • Illumination: Gaining clarity and insights on your path.


A full moon in Sagittarius is a powerful time to observe the progress you’ve made with your goals enthusiastically and optimistically. It's about using intuition and emotions to fuel your confidence and purpose. It's an excellent time to:

  • Connect with your inner wisdom: Trust your gut and intuition.

  • Celebrate your achievements: Acknowledge your progress and hard work.

While there's a strong emphasis on achievement, remember the emotional foundation provided by the moon. In this light, ensure your goals align with your deeper needs and values. This will fuel your journey and make your success all the more fulfilling.


This is just a glimpse into the astrological landscape. Your personal experience will be unique and influenced by your individual birth chart. 

I use a tropical whole-sign / whole-house system with traditional rulerships. You can read more about how I interpret the moon phases here:

Ethan Nicoll

Tarot reader in Fullerton, California